The Indigenous Justice Association (IJA) was created in 2019 to share and promote the critical work of long-established Indigenous community justice programs throughout BC. Our goal is to grow our representative voice to speak directly to government and partner bodies who share our vision of delivering community justice programs for Indigenous people at risk of becoming, or who have already come into contact with the justice system.
Board of Directors
The board is comprised of representatives from six regions: Vancouver Island, South West, South East and Central BC, North West and North Eastern BC. Each term runs for two years, and those who were on the working group will have one year on the elected board.
Following the term, the regions will hold nominations again for a new board member to represent that region.
Anna Tonasket- President
Faith Tait- Vice President
Molly Willie- Secretary
Alicia Peters- Treasurer
Karla Olinek- Director
– Director
Our partners include:
Federal, provincial and municipal governments
Community Corrections
Crown Counsel
Indigenous Court-workers
Many others
We would like to acknowledge the initial working group who had the drive, passion and focus to get the Association off the ground:
Tracy Downey
Genesis Hunt-Higginson
Bruce Manuel
Taya Rankin
Terri Wells
Chris Tyler
Alicia Peters
Vanessa Ramsdale
We acknowledge that the development of the Indigenous Justice Association would not have been possible without the support of the Federal and Provincial Governments. The IJA is grateful for the Federal and Provincial Government’s past, current, and future support.
We would also like to thank the Stó:lō Nation, Qwí:qwelstóm Justice Program for providing the space and the elders during our initial meetings.